Good job to class of '06.
It was our last year and we ended it right.
Too bad we barely practiced our airbands and made one in one day.
Our airbands could've definitely been better, but our skit just raped the world a new asshole.
It's kinda funny how the juniors think their airbands were better than ours.
Sure their last two airbands were sickness, but their airbands had people of other grades as well, and that's just lame.
Seniors also had far MORE airbands and far MORE decent/sick ones. I just don't see why they think their airbands are the best.
Many of our airbands I thought would be pure shit, but many pulled through and I believe we had at least 3-4 really tight ones.
And I really regret not thinking of doing a really good guy/girl dance earlier. That little guy/girl booty airband was done in one day and it was pretty good in my opinion, but if we had spent a month on it, daYmnnnnnnnnnnn! Well, nothing we can do now anyways!
But anyways,
Yeah, so fucking tired, nitey nitey.
This is the reigning pyramid, even though Eric looks like he's about to fall and Thomas looks scared as fuck.
I like how Amin has to wear jeans, rawr.
Please take a look at Amin's face. Hahahahahaha.