I've made a PotterCast LiveJournal layout!
I'm new to this and I don't know much about how to make LJ layouts but at least I tried :)
Please let me know what you think!
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PotterCast PotterCast PotterCast PotterCast PotterCast PotterCast PotterCast PotterCast
PotterCast PotterCast PotterCast PotterCast PotterCast PotterCast PotterCast PotterCast
PotterCast PotterCast PotterCast PotterCast PotterCast PotterCast PotterCast PotterCast
PotterCast PotterCast PotterCast PotterCast PotterCast PotterCast PotterCast PotterCast