Oct 04, 2009 15:17
So I wake up at 2pm in the afternoon seeing that last night was my last chance to stay up late and sleep in until school starts back up tomorrow. But I wake up and find out that the clocks are all being put forward in the house because of daylight savings. So instead of waking up at 2pm I've woken up at 3pm.
I don't understand why we need daylight savings time anyway, all it does is put an extra hour on, then later on in the year it gets. At least half the world doesn't use it anymore, so why do we need it in the first place?
Yes, it may give us a bit extra daylight, besides that I want to strangle DST by the throat, stomp on it, shread it to bits just before I stab it with a knife and putting it through a meat grinder. I think you get the point.
I want that hour of my life back...