Aug 02, 2006 19:18
The craziest thing happened to me today, it was so wild! I woke up in a violent coughing fit, and could tell from my half awake memory that I had woken up at least 3 times before from the same odd occurrence. I was very short of breath so I decided to go use my sister's inhaler (which I do very often, whenever I have trouble breathing). So I went into the kitchen and started shaking the inhaler (you need to shake it for about half a minute before using it). I started on the 30 second mark and what seemed like seconds later was really an entire minute! I watched the clock go and it moved at a normal pace but once the 12 was passed for some reason I didn't realize I could use the inhaler until the clock hit the 6 again. So then I stepped away from the sink (where I had been shaking the inhaler) and moved in front of the fridge. I used the inhaler and then things started getting black, and very quickly I couldn't see anything at all! I was also losing the feeling in my body, I couldn't feel my legs and was quickly losing the feeling in my arms and hands. I started clenching and releasing my hands to keep the feeling but all I would feel was a tingling in my arms and a faint sense that I was clenching my hands. Then all of a sudden I woke up 5-7 feet away from where I had been standing (and across the table at that)! I looked at the clock and I had been "out" for 45 seconds (although I hadn't checked the minutes I doubt I was out for over a minute). It was so crazy, I've never had anything like it happen before. It may have been that I had just woken up but why (and how) had I moved while I couldn't feel my legs? And I've never had that blackness from when you stand up too soon after waking up last for over 15 seconds! It was pretty interesting.