Life with Toddler has a way of tightening my horizons, causing me to be elated when I manage to accomplish any of the following (and yes, I do believe there should be medals for these):
- Left House With Diaper Bag Actually Prepared: No mean feat when you take into account the Toddler who is seeking a medal in Removing Diaper Bag Items to Obscure Places
- Remembered to Defrost Meat Intended for Current Evening's Dinner: Freezer downstairs, kitchen upstairs, brain on Mars.
- Survived Story Time Without Accidentally Gluing Toddler to Furniture: Here, competition is exceedingly fierce, as other Story Time Competitors swarm the available chairs, leaving my own personal Toddler to stand at the table while I attempt to teach her the craft and she attempts to decorate the Children's Room with festive swirls of glue.
- Became Toddler Hero By Joining Her in Foam Block Pit of Doom at Gymnastics Class Despite Early Morning Elliptical Workout Which Left Me With Limited Motion: No explanation really necessary.
- Did Not Drown Sorrows In Coffee While Toddler Hurricaned Through House Leaving Detritus Everywhere: Oh, who am I kidding? I never achieve that one.