Fabulosity!!! Here are the
The lovely X-mas tree in Rockafeller Center...it was sparkly and cool...lol
The amazing Johnny in Rockafeller Center...he's also sparkly and cool...
Michelle- laughing at me from behind Mike's boosom...lol I don't even know why...
Me and Mike...there's that damn face again...the face of anguish and pain that he has in every picture lol...I hope one day it freezes like that! lol
oh...I take that back...here he's normal...amazing...octopod-oozle!
Damn! Erin looks mad hot!
lol- the circumstances surrounding this photo are funny...but erin looks like she's chewing and her hair is in johnny's face...lol and Michelle looks cross-eyed!
This was supposed to be a picture of Michelle....but it ended up being Johnny lol
Johnny looks like he's picking his nose and Michelle's umm....I dunno...but Johnny was actually not-it-ing it.
Sneak attack! lol
And in this one, Mike's soul is exiting his body through his left ear and right eyeball lol
Awww...my homies and a tree...and Johnny's behind the camera...it was a wonderful day!
Me and Erin at Columbia...lol- nightvision!
Erin thought she could hide....
But No!!! I caught her!
WTF?? lol
<3 <3 <3
The way Mike's face lit up when he saw me was amazing...what a fabulous surprise.