I'm So Smart!

Feb 01, 2011 08:29

Was chilling with my boy Mark yesterday. We had a great conversation after we practiced with Mike for the ADR thing, which went well :-) We talked for a while at the Starbucks about ethics as it applies to causing suffering for animals. He's sweet, but I should tell him I'm not single, just to be clear. When we got back to the apartment, he asked me to solve a puzzle about being stuck in a room with two robots, one who never lies and one who never tells the truth. There are two doors, one which leads to the outside, and another that will cause the room to explode (which you don't want). You can only ask one of the robots one question and must use that to pick a door. What do you ask? I was so excited because I got it with no assistance!!! And after just 5 minutes of thinking too! I also got the one about three light switches and two light bulbs, and being able to go upstairs once to figure out which one corresponded to which. Nice job to me!

happiness, friends

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