So, I'm going to start posting regularly again because my Multimedia class requires it. I used to update the xanga regularly about four years ago and it was really fun and all but I've reached the stage where I don't care to take time out of my day to do it.
New Xbox 360
The Xbox 360 runs sooo hot. Sometimes, when it gets a bit cooler in here, I just turn it on. It truly aids in heating up the room. I really don't have the time to be playing random games on it or whatever but I'm so ready to be done with college it's hard to suck it up and start my work so I catch myself replaying some of the demos I've downloaded on Live. The Force Unleashed demo is so impressive, I'm trying to get my hands on the real game for cheap.
Biochemistry: We'll be studying chemical reactions and interactions that occur within living organisms. I couldn't care any less about this than I do now. I like the professor but this is just one more boring as heck class that I need to take to graduate in a major that I have grown to abhor. This is my most painful class. Biochem and Senior Seminar are the only two classes I NEED to take to graduate.
Multimedia: This class, like most of the classes I'm taking now, I need so I have enough credits to be a full time student. I neglected to get my hands on the syllabus but it seems we'll be going over various things, the first of which being blogs, podcasts, and such. Did you know that the "pod" in "podcast" stands for "Portable On Demand"? That makes so much more sense to me.
Senior Seminar: This class monitors our progress on our senior projects. Mine has to do with manipulating and analyzing simulated populations of Bachman's Sparrow. I really need to start pulling ahead in my work.
Modern Japan: This is 400 level history class. Fortunately, I'm taking it pass/fail. I just want to have the credits, learn about Japan, and do as little actual work as possible. The professor is awesome, too.
Computer Support: The class I'm taking with the most value. I believe we'll be going over computer hardware and local area networks. I'm really interested in what we're going to learn. The text book is "Upgrading and Repairing PCs". I'm definitely keeping that.