Jul 18, 2010 00:39
I have decided to lock up my entire LJ and turn all the posts Private.
I've laboured over this decision for a long time now and procrastinated due to my attachment to this LJ and my friendslist and nostalgia. But I've changed quite a lot since I was given this journal (muacks Cerisey) and I've neglected everyone for too long. There are other equally strong reasons I won't get into here, but ultimately, I think I need to put a full stop to this space now.
I might yet be moving to a new LJ/Dreamwidth, giving myself a new start. But my interests will probably be fairly different to my current ones.
To all on my friendslist, if you are interested in being told where I'm going, drop me a message. I'll keep you updated. But as I said, it will unlikely be relevant to our previously shared interests so I'm not sure how much value I'll be adding to your flist.
To all visiting for fics linked from elsewhere, drop me a message if you're looking for something. It might take me awhile to reply but I'll likely send it over and I will probably be happy to grant permission if you want to archive something on a site, I'm just too lazy/uninterested at this point to go about reposting every one of my works.
And that's all~ It's been a pretty interesting 7 years and some of you have definitely contributed to the good times! <3
Signing off at 1500+ posts since 2003,