Idiot Boyfriend

May 12, 2004 20:14

Hey was def fun on the bus to the highschool or...old highschool or middle school...whatever you wanna call it now a days. yeah so heres another gey survey thats a lil shorter than the last but first heres a couple comments and a question (comments) I NEED A BOY! haha yeah me and Nation are goin on a date to find some but ahh w/e, Mary is coming home Saturday, I am running on friday and doin the pent omg i am gunna die! haahha ok anddd the question is Shold I do Drama next year?? I dunno cause I cant sign but they (the dramaers) said I have the personality but I dunno? sooo yeah IM me or leave comments on if I should or not and yeah ok heres the survey:

[my name is] Katrice
[nicknames] K-rice, K-rizzle,Katrina, Champ
[age] 15
[age you act] depends on my mood

[height] 5" 4' (yes I AM short)
[things you say way too much] gey

[where do you live?] C-wall
[do you have a crush?] I dunno not really yet (give it a lil while)
[what are you watching?] what I am typing on the comp
[bedtime] ha whenever I want...but I do get tierd on weekdays
[in the morning i am] tierd.

[all i need is] my boys, my SBLC, and a party
[most romantic thing a person has ever said to you or done] no1 has ever one anything romantic for me
[love is]not in my life right now
[the one person who knows the most about you] John or Alaina
[if i could see one person right now] Kristin Colton
[i'm afraid of] being hurt, beat or cheated on
[i dream about] well last night I had a dream about goin to a show or something

H A V E Y O U E V E R . . .

[pictured your crush naked?] no thats kinda weird
[actually seen ur crush naked] nah
[been in love] I dont know

[cried when someone died] yes
[ drank alcohol] yes
[lied] yes
[been in jail] nope
[done drugs] nope

[ran away from home] nope
[hit a girl] yup
[gone skinny dipping?] I think so I cant remember
[broken a bone] fractured
[cheated on a test] ha a lil
[cheated on a boy/girlfriend] never thats so wrong
[gotten drunk] yes
[been in the hospital] yes

[let a friend cry on your shoulder] yes
[fell asleep in the shower/bath] yeah
[never slept during a night] yup
[been to camp] yeah
[sat in a restaurant without ordering] yeah (swimmer crap)

[seen someone die] yes
[didn't wash your hair for a week] does like 4 days count (haha me and kierstin)
[broken something valuable] yeah
[thought you were in love] yeah
[screamed at someone for no reason] oo yeah
[said I love you and meant it] no.
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