Apr 28, 2014 18:29
My "artificial popularity" (LJ rankings) is virtually soaring, having gone up by more than 300 five days in a row now. Up almost 1900 places since the start of the month. Amazing what you can get by just shouting into the void; I don't think more than four people are actually reading this.
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I don't talk with people as much as I used to and I miss that. There's still the occasional conversation to be had in #asr, but.. a large portion of my social interaction happens on Twitter and Tumblr, and those are just not good platforms for conversations.
Got my first tick bite of the season today. I had been weeding the garden for a while, did a tick check as I came back inside, and saw a tiny tick that had already attached itself. It came away easily and I can't even locate the mark of where I removed it from now. Probably hadn't been there for more than a couple of minutes. Frequent tick checks are important around here.
my mundane life