Well, that didn't turn out like I imagined

Jul 19, 2008 23:55

Fly by post

Okay, to start off - a warning. I'm in a very foul mood for some reason, so some things I say may come off as sounding snippy and I apologize for that.

The hiatus is still on. I had thought a week would do it, but I still don't feel ready to get back into fandom. I also need to stay away from fic completely, which ended up not happening because there were still stories I needed to finish. I mostly ended up avoiding LJ, but not FF.net and it ended up being a... small distraction. Okay, a big distraction. This entire week I've had this major craving to write angst and/or dark fic. I've been whipping up ideas, have four fic partially written (and only two of them cooperating) and it made writing the next chapter of my original fic like pulling teeth.

And what the heck is going on with LJ? Where's the Rich Text formatting? I actually had a small story for you all, but couldn't post it because I don't know how to plug in HTML formatting (in that I don't know all the tags, codes, whatever you call them. My computer knowledge has limits, people.) Very irritating.

And to all those enjoying season five and who are kind enough to put up spoilers - could I beg details from you all? Not general "And here's what happened" but "Here's what happened, here's how so-and-so got whumped and where and how much blood was involved" type of details? I almost cried reading the various spoilers for The Seed. Do you know how cruel that is! Do you know how much those lack of details torment me!!!!! :(

Anyways... yeah. We'll see if this week turns out better than last, or if I have a complete mental breakdown and come crawling back to fandom.

various stuff

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