Dec 20, 2016 17:05
December is being interesting this year, it seems. For one, we're actually - finally -getting some real winter weather: cold tempreatures and even snow. But Kansas being Kansas the weather is still trying to be all over the place. It's supposed to be in the upper fifties on Sundy, but I'll believe it when I see it. Last time the weather said it was going to be in the fifties it also said it was going to be sunny. It was neither, it was freezing and cloudy and that was the day my mom had us help put tarp over the storage trailer.
But, surprisingly, I'm not complaining even though I hate the cold. We've been needing a real winter, mostly to cut down on a lot of the bugs that have been driving us nuts the past two summers. Plus it helps you appreciate warm weather more.
I also sold my first doll! But being my first sale I keep fretting over the package. Did I write the address clear enough? Should I have put more bubble wrap on the doll? That kind of thing.
Also for the first time we've have to put up a barricade around the tree to keep it safe from the dogs. Usually it's the cats that are a problem, but we have a lot of stubborn boy dogs who have been having a peeing contest with eachother. We've also resorted to putting diapers on them, that's how bad the peeing thing has gotten.
I've also opened up my Etsy store to making custom dolls, so we'll see how that goes.
various stuff