Thirteen Nails: Episode 1

Mar 19, 2015 21:33

Thirteen Nails is live! You can click here to read the first episode. I really hope you guys enjoy it. You can also reply to this post if you'd rather leave a comment on LJ than Wordpress. You'll notice in the table of contents for the first chapter that there's a place where you can go and comment. This is just to help keep things neat and tidy. Overall this is a completed work so I'm not looking for any critiques. But I will listen if you point something out that you feel needs addressed, such as a facutal error.

To help keep readers up to date on the next installment of Thirteen Nails, as well as announce any upcoming novels or novels now published and available to purchase, plus promotional contests, I'm starting a monthly news letter. On the sidebars of both the TN site and my author blog there will be a "subscribe to newsletter" which you can click on to sign up if you would like to recieve my newsletter. While I will announce the next installment of TN on both my LJ and author blog, the newsletter will also provide the status of upcoming episodes - namely if they're being written, edited, about to go up, etc. There's also an option in sign-ups to receive behind-the-scenes content, such as excerpts from TN and/or upcomging novels and concept art. The behind-the-scenes stuff won't be as frequent as the news letter, but it might be a fun surprise to get in your email if you want.

Just please don't sign up merely for moral support ^^; As awesome as support is, I would rather you sbscribe to the newsletter if you actually enjoy my works, whether my novels or TN or all of the above. Otherwise getting a newsletter for something you're not all that interested in may get old, fast.

fiction related stuff

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