White Collar Review

Feb 01, 2011 21:57

*Happy sigh* Loved, loved, loved this ep :D Are you surprised ;)

Back storyyyyyyy!

OMG Neal has daddy issues! And legit daddy issues! His dad died when he was little and was a dirty cop. And it screwed with Neal's head and self esteem. Oh, Neal *hugs him* Poor boy really is broken. And he was raised by his mom, I totally called that one! :D Unless there was a step dad in the mix. In which case, it must not have gone over well or Neal would have said something, right?

And virtual cookies to all those who called it that Neal's dad was probably in law enforcement. I loved that there was more to it. See, this is why I didn't want to touch Neal's back story, because the possibilities were endless. Though I pondered the idea of Neal's dad being a cop briefly, I totally did not see the dirty cop thing coming. This is what I love about this show - it's unpredictable :D

Neal needs to change his shirt more often :D And make fake diamonds more often ;) Yum!

Mozzie giddy over the machine. He's so adorable.

Awww, Peter helps Neal steal something legally :D I love that we're seeing them work together more. We're seeing Neal becoming more of a good guy, and Peter daring to not only think outside the box but step outside it as well.

Heeeee! Did Neal's mom wear hats. Oh, Peter :D

Hmmmm. Think I'll watch this ep again. And probably again :D

white collar

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