Buffets and... laptop?

Oct 01, 2010 17:53

We went for an early B-day dinner since my birthday is on Sunday and Sunday isn't a "go out and do things" day for us (keeping it holy and all that). I had waffled between Red Lobster and the New China Buffet, which was ridiculous since I'd been having a five month craving for Chinese. Plus I like buffets: plenty to choose from and you can go back for seconds and thirds. I feel like I'm going to explode but it was worth it :D I'm a big food fan, in that when I eat I want it to be an enjoyable experience. I want something interesting, something with unique flavors, and for that reason I love to go out to eat since my culinary abilities are rather limited (sometimes by lack of knowledge, most of the time because I'm missing that one key ingredient :P)

My mom and I have been talking about getting me a new laptop as a B-day present, which I'm also waffling on. I would get the new one while she would use my old one, but I don't know. My current laptop works just fine, it's only setback is that it doesn't play videos well and I have to plug it into the internet. I mostly only use it for the Internet and writing. Also, it's not like our family computer is broken, it just needed new memory and a video card. It's just a matter of getting the dang computer back from my brother.

On the other hand, it would be nice to have a laptop with wireless Internet that I could just leave in my room rather than lug up and down the stairs to and from the basement. It would also be nice to have a laptop that I could play movies and games on. Also, though the laptop I have works just fine, it's an older model, so there's no saying how much longer it will last.

But I'm leaning toward keeping my current laptop and getting my brother to return our computer. If our computer was beyond repair, then I would get a new laptop lickity-split. But since it isn't, I really don't see the point. I don't like buying expensive things unless it's of vital importance.

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