Movie Review - Alice in Wonderland

Mar 05, 2010 23:09

Will it come as a surprise to say that I liked it? Nay, adored it! Which came as a surprise to me since I was rather "meh" about seeing it.

not to get annoyed by female leads. And I so want a Cheshire Cat! I've always loved the Cheshire cat and now love him even more :D

The only down side was that it was hard to understand what they were saying at times. I chalk it up to all the strange words that were involved. If you don't know Alice in Wonderland at all, then some of the dialog might be a little tricky to understand.

And I saw previews for Tron! I so can't wait for Tron. I loved the first Tron since I was four and used to watch it all the time.


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