On another note... Movie Review: BoavsPython

Jan 06, 2010 16:56

Watched that Boa vs. Python last night. I'd DVR'd it out of curiosity to see what Hewlett is like in other movies.

Um, yeah... *pats movie on its special little head*. Although to be honest I didn't so much watch it as fast forward to the end, while stopping only to watch Hewlett's parts. Because it's a SyFy movie, cheap, with giant man-eating monsters, sitting through the entire thing wasn't exactly necessary (nor worth damaging my sanity over). I do have to say, Hewlett was rather good looking in this. I don't think he's ugly or anything, he's just not really my cup of tea in the looks department. But despite it being an utterly cringe-worthy movie, I rather liked him in this. It was interesting to see him play what essentially was the opposite of McKay, though he did exude the occasional McKay aura now and then - mostly an intolerance toward idiots ;)


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