Ramble, Ramble, Ramble

Jul 30, 2009 22:31

First off, I need to get out of the house. It's summer, for crying out loud, and in between the come-and-go storms the weather has been nice. Problem is, I don't have the car, don't have money, and have no idea where to go.

For most of the summer, we've been having family visit: My brother and his family, my dad, my sister and her two girls during my youngest sister's graduation. My sister-in-law and her boys stayed a few weeks (most of June). After them came my second oldest sister and aaalll six of her kids (yeah... it was fun seeing them and we did have good times but, hoo-lyy cow. These are kids who like to talk, a lot, and get into things, and who don't listen very well, and the youngest is in her terrible twos and you wouldn't believe the chaos she can cause within two seconds of vanishing into another room. What got to me was the noise... so much noise :S I'm not fond of a lot of noise.) They stayed for most of July.

Now my oldest sister, the one who visited during my youngest sister's graduation, is coming back for another visit with her whole family. Her family's pretty mellow, most of her kids in their teens, with her two youngest daughters very polite, shy and who listen to mom. It'll be cool to see them all but... I'll be honest, I'm not particularly looking forward to it. Don't get me wrong, it'll be nice to see my other nieces and nephews, but all these visitations have rather jaded me. So though I know I should be more excited, I'm having a rather hard time getting myself all hyped up for this final sibling visitation.

Of course, knowing me, because I'm not looking forward to this, it will be the most fun of all the visitations :) (I'm not kidding. Whenever I look forward to something negatively, it ends up being incredibly positive.)


I am never writing two stories at the same time again. I've got a good system going with my original fic and Big Bang story that allows me to switch between them, and I've been getting a lot done within the past two weeks. My current stumbling block, however, is the feeling that it doesn't matter how much I write, the ending to both stories still feels a million miles away. I'm tempted to set one of them aside to focus on the other. Problem with that is, I'm so close to the end of the original fic that I don't want to set it aside. But because the flow of the original story can be sporadic (Some days it's good, some days it takes three to four weeks just to finish a chapter) I don't want to set the Big Bang story aside under the impression that I have plenty of time, only for time to run out. So I'm going to continue adhering to my current system until one or both stories are finished.

After, that unless it's a one-shot, no more story tag :P

It also doesn't help that my desire to edit is stronger than my desire to write. But if I go back and edit now, then the stories will take even longer to get finished.

various stuff

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