Movie Review - Star Trek

May 14, 2009 10:31

My Turn!

Love! Don't care about plot holes! Karl, oh Karl Urban. You done made me proud! :D I've only ever seen him in shows where he plays serious and brooding (not that it made any difference for me *points to icon*;)). That he played McCoy, did beyond awesome, and was hilarious increases my adoration of him. He is a versatile actor, yay!

Everyone chosen to play these characters did an awesome job. I'm not even a Kirk fan, but I actually liked him this time. I did not keep expecting Spock to slice open people's head with his finger (yes, I was worried about me constantly having that impression every time Spock was on screen, because my reality tends to be a little shot to heck.) I would say more, but I'm hungry and spacey because of it (ha! spacey... see what I mean? :P)

So, to end - fun, fun, fun! I may return and say more, or not. We'll see.


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