Bit 'o Fun - What Should Joe Be in?

Feb 20, 2009 17:50

Just a bit of pointless fun. If you could write the next show for Joe Flannigan to be in, what would you want it to be about?

I've heard a lot of people say they would love to see him play a detective, and I agree, but it shouldn't just be any old detective show. I think he would rock as a detective during the '20s, '30s or '40s. Or a modern day detective with something unusual about him: maybe he's a werewolf, or a shapeshifter. Although the latter plot is usually better off when done in book or movie form. Fantasy seems the finest of all genre lines that TV shows walk. Still, it's a fun concept :D.

IF you would like to ask the same question about the other SGA actors, please feel free to ;).

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