May 19, 2007 13:41
I'm busy sorting through boxes today. Looking for what I can throw out to make space in the new flat.
I came across my box full of playing and GMing notes, which I fully digressed into...
I found my notes for On The Seventh Day (OTSD) - my first Amber campaign. There was a spin off from that which became Random Chance. In fact, the relationship was reciprocal. Random Chance was meant as a one-off but turned into a campaign. The caliber of players was so high that it was a very satisfying and a lot of fun.
I ran it for the next four years, once a year at ACUK until we finished it. From that I learned how having an end helps keep the energy moving and flowing in a game. During that time I was also running OTSD for my regular gaming group.
Then I went back to OTSD and tweaked a few events so they spun out differently. That turned into It's a Dog's Life (IDL) which was meant to be a tongue-in-cheek look at the life of the heir to the throne of Amber and friends.
I then put together what I'd learned from all those campaigns and came up with Thy Kingdom Come. This ran as email game and then a live game in the U.S.
Then finally, Chain of Assumptions (COA) where I moved from GM, back into playing...the circle completes; the spiral continues.
All great games with great players. Some trying times, but many more happy years...
And now here I am leading small groups as part of my every day at work.