May 10, 2004 09:25
Haircut after library on Saturday. The woman recognised me that I've been here three years as has she. It's nice and short. Went back did a bit of revision when I decided to hang with a friend for *revision* at her flat. As usual we didn't do any revision. Her MSN Messenger kept going off - "James you ginger freak". Hmmm looks like you can add wavs when someone logs on or off MSN Messenger. One point she went to Tesco leaving me in her car with the engine on. Her car is old and she wants a new one.
Sunday washed / dried bed sheets before getting the tram to Prestwich (Heaton Park). I arrived early. Usual walk to my aunts flat. I had lunch there with my aunts. Read their newspapers, tried some puzzle books.
On the topic of puzzle books, I watched Mercury Rising last night on Five. This autistic boy cracked a government secret code, and the bad guys kept assignating anyone who got in the way. Art Jeffries (Bruce Willis) FBI agent projected the kid Simon the best he could. Alec Baldwin played one of the evil badguys. One guy really pissed me off when he kept killing everyone, the kids parents, the guys that placed the puzzle. Good movie, better than last weeks Last Boy Scout.