Hello to all once again, if you are looking for a serious entry tonight, you are out of luck. I have been very bored today so I have been tinkering with my layout and I am pleased for the time being, it suits me for now. Though I don't know how long I will leave my LJ looking this way, I would appreciate some input from you guys, so tell me what you think and don't spare my feelings. ;)
Also have been trying to learn all the different features I can use to annoy... I mean make your reading of my LJ more pleasurable... ahem... I ran across the LJ cut command, so I will be using that in my future entries. I will post again to use my LJ cuts as well as post a poem or something to make the entry not so much of a waste as this one.
Well time to think, write and waste time as usual, I will be back with some more posting later... or in 10 minutes... who knows!
Before I forget...
../) /)..
.( . .).
The bunny owns you...