Not bad...

May 01, 2011 12:18

For an XX year old (or so) gal... I survived one night in a bar with one of my friends and her new prospect without being bored to my death, nor deafened by the 'boom-boom' from the DJ... I won't go as far as to say I fully enjoyed myself (Virgin radio is fun to listen during the day, but non-stop hip-hop in a bar is not (yet) my style, I am a rock-80's-90's girl, thank you very much...) but at least I am not crashed out this morning, and my knee is not hurting (much)... Of course the little rascal do that only when I drink too much, which I did not do yesterday night...

Prince Charming (mine) apparently decided the club was not his style, so he did not show up. Maybe next time, another place loll.

Okay then, no chores for me today, I don't feel like playing house, I'll do that tomorrow.
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