Long time no see...

Feb 23, 2011 15:26

I just realized I didn't post anything here for a long long time... Not lack of interest, I promise. A lot was going on with my life, and I needed some time to face it. So basically, what's new :

1) I resigned yesterday. I wish I could tell I change jobs for the glory and the money, but unfortunately, I did it for health reasons. I may not be a Knight (training, though ;), I do have a Code. Which didn't match my firm at all. So I looked for something else, found it, and quit. In the process, I went on a burn-out, but do not worry, I'm nearly over it.

2) Took another big step : I decided that if people liked so much my writing, maybe it's not that bad, and I am nearly done with one fic I fully intend to send to a publisher. I have nothing to loose. If they don't want it, I'll post it here or FF. If they do like it, it will give me the opportunity to entertain more people than I do now.

3) Hum... No number three. At least not at the moment. Unimportant thing such as : manage to plug a Blue-Ray all by myself, decided not to change my car, will go on a vacation with my dad very soon, bought a Katy Perry ticket concert for July, Hanged a painting I inherited from my uncle on the wall in my room. Nothing major.
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