some things will never cease to amaze me...

Dec 14, 2010 18:29

* The tendency people have to bend toward Money or Power.
* The easiness one will abandon its own believes because it's easier to do so.
* How quick one person can have a change a heart, because the person next to him/her speaks louder.
* How people think the one yell louder is right all the time.
* How some words seem to disappear from the dictionnary when you have a promotion. Words like : Respect, Right, Wrong, Work, Honesty, State of the Arts, Common Sense.
* How a good song or a fic can shift my mood from gloomy to smiling in a sec'.
* How my friends are there when I need to complain, to yell, or a shoulder to cry.
* How much I love Christmas.
* How much writing comfort me.

So in the end, I hope, like Walt Disney, we will remember all was started by a mouse.

Or, like Einstein said : Only two things are infinite : the universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the former.

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