Ok...I thought I should just take a few moments to pimp this:
Yes, it's my book! Which you all should have bought as stocking stuffers last Christmas!
I'm sure all little 5 year-old Suzy wanted for Christmas was to find out "What Makes You Gay/What Doesn't Make You Gay."
Buy it! It's not only for the sylishly-impaired, but it contains a lot of practical fashion knowledge. Plus, it's not one of those boring fashion books...I personally saw to it that it wouldn't end up boring the living higlights out of you(or your hair, rather). It's a good way to while away those hours waiting for a plane when a latin fire-eater left you without any luggage in Buenos Aires....
What was my point? Oh yeah....
If don't want to buy it for the fashion tips, then buy it because it's entertaining. Or buy it because you love me!
Now let's make fashion happen!