Воруй, убивай, кидай кредиторов.

Feb 25, 2012 00:18

One of the basic truths of politics is that the Left is far more oblivious to human suffering than the Right. The Left always speaks the language of compassion, but rarely means it. It favours ends over means. The crushing of Greece, and the bankruptcy of her citizens, is of little consequence if it serves the greater good of monetary union.

Thus far only one British political leader, Ukip’s Nigel Farrage, has had the clarity of purpose to state the obvious - that Greece must be allowed to default and devalue. Leaving all other considerations to one side, humanity alone should press David Cameron into splitting with Brussels and belatedly coming to the rescue of Greece.

Что бы ни выл британец, из каких бы мест ни звучал его голос стоит помнить, что он гарантированно социалист без придури, иными словами - идейный уголовник.

англия, деэтатизация великобритании

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