Exclusive circus shows

Oct 27, 2012 22:02

The Belarusian fiery circus is an organisation which develops and organises unique shows and theatrical performances with the use of the latest special effects e.g. fire, ultraviolet, pyrotechnics, lighting effects, live music, dancing etc. Our company include only professional circus artists, sportsmen, stunt men, dancers. Under our belt we have more than 1500 show projects of all kinds from city festivals, global open airs to private parties - weddings, anniversaries, other celebrations. Today Kresiva is the leader in its field in Belarus and one of the leaders in the Commonwealth of Independent States and in the world. In 2010 the Belarusian fire circus was recognized by professionals as the best exclusive project (the jury consisted of the heads of the main holiday and advertising agencies, showbiz representatives
So we offer
1. Various programmes - from staged fights with and without arms, knight animations to large fire circus performances to the accompaniment of live music - German wheels, burning stilts, fire skipping ropes, burning cubes, motorcycles, ladders, acrobats and gymnasts, aerialists, stunt men, jugglers, dancers and mimes (fire show, black light show, German wheel…)
2. We experiment with classical circus and theatrical images creating unique, original unforgettable costumes, characters.
3. Our prices will suit anybody, our repertoire varies from the simplest to elite show programmes, we have flexible cut rates.
4. A large number of artists let us organise several performances at the same time.
5. Any form of payment.
6. We work indoors, on stage, at esplanades, in the open air.
7. We are ready to go or fly at any part of the world.
We can consider all the offers about cooperation from artists and producers, investors we have a large company and rich stage props.
You can use our contact information and invite us to your celebration:
Site: www.kresiva.com
Our video on youtube http://www.youtube.com/user/Tkresiva?feature=mhsn
We V kontakte - photos, tour dates, comments http://vkontakte.ru/club12360314
Е-mail: theatre_kresiva@mail.ru

ультрафиолет, шоу, ПИРУЭТ-САЛЬТО, неон, акробаты, шоу в стиле аватара, fireshow, КАСКАД, лестница, cyr wheel, рейнские, батут, СНГ, огонь, КРАФТ-АКРОБАТЫ, ДА КАПО, воздушные, икарийские игры, yandex, студия, german wheel, СТРЕКАСАТ, ПЛАНШ, circus, световые, фрикшоу, fiery, РОНДАД, ЗУБНИК, даблы, МЕЛАНЖ-АКТ, ТРАПЕЦИЯ, ЗИТЦЕН-ТРЮК, эксклюзив, рыцари, девилстик, заказать, каучук, cirque, rambler, stilts, kresiva, русская палка, снейки, facebook, в контакте, Гимнастика, эра водолея, пои, МАНЕЖ, ДЬЯБОЛО, колеса, неоновое шоу в минске, клоунада, цирковые, евровидение 2010, лучшие шоу мира, трюки, МОНОЦИКЛ, постановки, russian bar, вольностоящая, халахупы, гибкая, ДОППЕЛЬ-ТРАПЕ, пиротехника, джексон, белорусский, диаболо, ходули, скакалка, КАБРИОЛЬ, гимнасты, шест, жонглеры, перфомансы, icarians games, фаершоу, КУЛЬБИТ, театр, freakshow, ТУРНИК, feu, веера, стафф, feuershow, беларуси, ренские колеса, цирк, black light show, в минске, огненное шоу

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