Jul 02, 2007 19:51
I go to England in 3 weeks.
I stay there for 2 weeks.
I get home and work 4 weeks.
Then I'm off to Seattle! It's not that far off at all:)
We're currently working on the wedding reception invite wording. I gave him until tomorrow to find the email addresses for his people. It's funny, the things we should have ready by now we haven't done, but the rest is taken care of.
We still have 20 degrees and sun, and they promised us that for the rest of the week:)
Dominique's bf left for Roskilde today. When I came home from work she was just walking around like an empty shell. I still remember how it was like, packing and leaving everything (I'm actually glad there is packing so you have something you have to do). My heart hurts for her. I'm taking a few hours off work to go with them to the airport on wednesday, and I know I'm gonna cry my eyes out. It's so weird to think about her not being here.
stephen countdown,