(no subject)

Nov 21, 2006 11:42

I have the weirdest sleeping hours now. I've now spent 2 nights awake and I usually sleep a couple of hours in the evening. Yesterday I slept 6-12p and missed my scoutmeeting, w00t.

I also didn't take the physics exam. I opened a letter that came to me over a month ago, and I saw a list of things I should have done forever ago..... There's always the spring...

Comment and I'll give you a letter; then you have to list 10 things you love that begin with that letter. After, post this in your journal, and give out some letters of your own. Let me know if you want a letter.

mencc1701 gave me a V:

Vanilla scented candles
- They are a recent love of mine, they smell so damn good

VW Beetles
- My favorite car, they're so cute

V for Vendetta
- Saw this movie last spring with the boy and loved it

Vinter (winter)
- My favorite season, if there is snow of course

Vann (water)
- I'm a water addict

Vanilla Almond Latte
- My aunt's latest specialty. Yum

V?? You're so mean, Dave:p

Vamp - T'ir Na Noir
- Song by a norwegian group, so pretty:)

Vannmelon (watermelon)
- yum yum

- The planet with the prettiest name. Also a good song

- It makes me feel good

jetlag, physics, exams

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