Nov 30, 2009 12:49
Well, well, well.......haven't we come full circle!!!
I am stunned that my livejournal is still here after all these years, I'll need to have a rake through my old posts for a laugh later.
Anyways, the reason I'm on here is because I have totally given up on myspace. It sounds daft but they have changed their homepage layout and despite just about everyone not liking it it remains, which I think it rather insulting so fuck them. The only ting I do miss is writing my wee blog so I remembered about livejournal and thoght "Perfect!" it's just a blog and not a social network site so it won't get announced anywhere when I post an entry and there will be no-one anywhere nosying in to read it!
Well so what's been going on then? Well Lisa and I finally got our flat. The papers were signed on Thursday there and we move in the 17th of December. Can't wait because at the moment it's both of us with all our worldly posessions crammed into one wee room and its a pain in the arse so It'll be so good when we get out own flat and spread it all out! It's not a huge place but it's nice and that's what matters! Lisa thinks it needs a good clean though hehe, I thought it could do with a once over but she wants to spend a couple of days settin' aboot the muck and chang haha, It's great having someone who is so picky about that sort of stuff I suppose. I'm more a fold and hoover person so I like making beds and getting carpets done but she's a grime bessie and likes to get stuck into the manky cracks and get the goop out so It's quite a nice combination. I'm on bedroom and lounge duty and she's on kitchen and bathroom! Perfect!
Well time is marching on and can't sit about all day! Stuff to do!
Quest, or should I go back in time a bit and say.......jag on!