2006 Year in Review

Dec 27, 2006 13:02

1. What did you do this year that you'd never done before?
2004:  River Rafting... I think that is the biggest one that stands out for me that I can not wait to go do again next year!
2005:  I passed my PHR.
2006:  I finally went to Mexico! I parasailed!!

2. Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
2004:  Yes I did. Yes I will.
2005:  Yes I did. Yes I will.
2006:  I did not keep last years. I don't think I was very realistic with myself knowing my feelings. This year I will be making more resolutions and keep trying.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
2004:  Yes, My cousin Mary had Maddie, but I wouldn't say that we are close.
2005:  No
2006:  Nope

4. Did anyone close to you die?
2004:  Too many in my life have departed this year. Only 2 have actually physically died though.
2005:  Cuervo
2006:  Thankfully nobody close to me this year.

5. What countries did you visit?
2004:  Canada
2005:  Canada
2006:  Canada and Mexico

6. What would you like to have next year that you lacked this year?
2004:  Love. Faith. Trust. Honesty from other people.
2005:  Love. Faith. Trust. Honesty from other people. (Man no change here... still hope someday I will receive)
2006:  A relationship in which I can be free to be me, being loved and accepted as I am and yet still challenged to grow. To be with someone who inspires me, makes me smile and where I feel I can finally lay my guards to rest and challenge me to being in a committed relationship where I can learn to depend on someone else.

7. What dates from this year will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
2004:  Too many of them for very different reasons. This has been yet another year of growth and tests for me.
2005:  Too many of them for very different reasons. This has been yet another year of growth and tests for me. (Good answer Karen... I am going with it again this year)
2006:  April 8-9th Weekend - It was amazing, The last week of April in Mexico with Lori - *smirks enough said*, the couple of cabin weekends with different groups of friends, July 8th at Wolf Haven, August 1st Riggs/Old Red, August 22nd Hire a Hero Symposium, September 1 - "Mr. Boatman",  October 17th the Seed with Angela Friendship takes Root, Dec 8-10th Cabin bringing together friends for a fun weekend,  December 1st Triple Ding 75, Dec. 16th Proposal

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
2004:  I enrolled back into school to start on my Masters Degree.
2005:  Passing PHR and joined the corporate world.
2006:  I don't feel like I have any big achievement this year. I have let a couple people start to get to know me and started sharing the personal stuff of me with them. I have started "taking down" my guards and started to trust people a little bit.

9. What was your biggest failure?
2004:  Relationships with people. I lost a couple friendships that meant a lot to me that I could not salvage. I failed at a lot of things with my family. My biggest failure is myself though.
2005:  Relationships with people. I lost a couple friendships that meant a lot to me that I could not salvage. I failed at a lot of things with my family. My biggest failure is myself though. (Still holds true)
2006:  I didn't get the promotions I wanted at work. It has been a year of holding steady mostly.

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
2004:  Yes
2005:  Yes
2006:  Nothing new

11. What was the best thing you bought?
2004:  Tuition for next quarter
2005:  Trip to Mexico for 2006
2006:  2005 Ford Explorer, Blue with Sunroof  *purrs* I do love Riggs.

12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
2004:  My own
2005:  Jess
2006:  David aka Gweiloo. He is an amazing person who reminds me a lot of my Grandma.

13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
2004:  Others
2005:  Others
2006:  A couple of people but I am learning to deal and move on.

14. What did you spend most of your spare cash on?
2004:  Alcohol
2005:  Alcohol and Music
2006:  Not so much spare cash right now with bills/mortgage/truck payment, but I would say mostly on Native American artifacts.

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
2004:  Rafting, Cowgirl Inc nights, Halloween Night.
2005:  Nothing this year really
2006:  Mexico, Parasailing, Riggs, Beating Maat, Avatars, Friendships and Bonds forged and renewed

16. What song will always remind you this year?
2004:  Too many and way too personal.
2005:  Too many and way too personal... <-- man, I really do know myself. Nothing changed here this year.
2006:  That Girl is A Cowboy - Garth, I'll Be the Wind - Garth, Through Glass - Stone Sour, Bring it On Home - Little Big Town, Black Orchid - Blue October, Tonight Tonight - Smashing Pumpkins, Faith is the Light - Blackhawk, Life Ain't Always Beautiful - Gary Allan, Leave the Pieces - The Wreckers, I Loved Her First - Heartland, Tonight I Want To Cry - Keith Urban, and many many more as you guys know Music is one of my passions.

17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
2004:  a) happier or sadder? Sadder
2004:  b) thinner or fatter? Little thinner
2004:  c) richer or poorer? Poorer in finances and spirit, richer in mind and experiences
2005:  a) happier or sadder? Sadder
2005:  b) thinner or fatter? Little fatter
2005:  c) richer or poorer? Richer in finances, mind and experiences. Poorer in spirit.
2006:  a) happier or sadder? Happier
2006:  b) thinner or fatter? Little fatter
2006:  c) richer or poorer? Richer in life experiences and friends abroad. Poorer in disposable income.

18. What do you wish you'd done more of?
2004:  Play. Camping. Swimming. Exploring new places. Travel.
2005:  Play. Camping. Exploring new places. Travel. Told people what I felt.
2006:  Camping, Traveling, Visiting with Friends, SCA Events, Told people how much I care about them, put more trust in those who have earned it, loved with open arms.

19. What do you wish you'd done less of?
2004:  Trusted people.
2005:  Trusted people. <-- yeah still the same
2006:  Worried less about what other people wanted from me instead of what I wanted to do and stressed less about trying to make everyone happy.

20. How will you be spending Christmas?
2004:  Next to a nice warm cozy fire with Tigger, an eggnog and FF.
2005:  This year I spent it with my family (see prior post) and on FF when I got home.
2006:  I spent Christmas morning with my Dad and Brother then the afternoon my extended family which was actually pretty fun playing with Maddie. Spent time with Friends in FF relaxing in the evening.

21. There is no question 21
2004:  This space intentionally left blank. I can agree... there is a blank or void in me. It has grown a lot this year.
2005:  This space intentionally left blank. I can agree... there is a blank or void in me. It has grown a lot this year. <---- wow... it doubled this year too.
2006:  I would say the void is shrinking, not gone, but a lot less dark. I am working my way back up to the light. When I quiet out others and just listen to my heart there is good around me and more coming.

22. Did you fall in love this year?
2004:  No
2005:  No
2006:  It depends on what kind of love is meant here... I have grown to love some of my friends very much. I am truly blessed with some amazing people in my life.

23. How many one-night stands?
2004:  None.
2005:  None.
2006:  Nope. I could have and wanted to in some ways, but I want more than just sex. I guess I am getting more idealistic when it comes to sex and love. I want the fairy tale.

24. What was your favorite TV program?
2004:  CMT Top 20 Country Videos I guess
2005:  CMT Top 20 Country Videos, Gilmore Girls, One Tree Hill etc.
2006:  Hmmm didn't watch much TV this year, infact I cancelled my expanded cable. I did have the Discovery Channel on in the background ohhh and I did watch the first season of The OC on DVD from Lori and that was cute.

25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
2004:  I can't say that I hate anyone... I have come very close to it though. But I am trying harder these days to not go that route. I am learning to forgive people and move on without them.
2005:   I can't say that I hate anyone... I have come very close to it though. But I am trying harder these days to not go that route. I am learning to forgive people and move on without them. <--- damn I am wise, still holds true.
2006:  Again, not hating anyone. Going separate ways from people, absolutely.

26. What was the best book you read?
2004:  Too many to choose just one. Several have touched me in different ways.
2005:  Hmmm this year I would say probably Cracked.
2006:  Nothing stands out as the best book I read this year that I can think of.

27. What was your greatest musical discovery?
2004:  I can still play the flute after all of these years. But now it will be many more years before I bring it out again.
2005: I can still play the flute after all of these years. But now it will be many more years before I bring it out again. <--- lol I haven't played in a long time again. Some things just get to come out for a little bit and then get put away. I still sing a whole lot in the car, but that is not a discovery to me.
2006:  I would say the best musical discovery is that a lot of my friends sing very well. I love the singing voicemails. I just gotta find a way to be able to save them longer than two weeks though because they bring warm fuzzies and smiles.

28. What did you want and get?
2004:  To go back to school.
2005:  PHR, new job, space
2006:  A fellowship of adventurers (not exactly how I thought it would be but pretty awesome none the less), friendships with substance, little surprises for no reason other than to make me smile, and I suppose a new blue SUV with a sunroof.

29. What did you want and not get?
2004:  Fellowships that meant something to me restored. Faith.
2005:  Fellowships that meant something to me restored. Faith. <--- wow, I feel like I have made no progress in life since last year.
2006:  A serious relationship.

30. What was your favorite film of this year?
2004:  Lord of the Rings Marathon
2005:  Lord of the Rings (Marathon) <--- I wanted to do that again this year, but can't seem to face it right now. Too many similarities to my life and too many memories to past.
2006:  Hmmm I think LOTR is my life long favorite movie(s) as a marathon. I didn't see any movie that really made me go ohhh this is a new favorite.

31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
2004:  I am writing this, going to go shoot some pool and I am now 28.
2005:  I went out to Cowgirls, Inc. with some people and drank/dance. I am 29 years and 13 days old as of today.
2006:  LOL This is a birthday I don't think I will ever forget. I spent most of the day without power snuggling with Tigger next to the fireplace reading. Once I got power back on I didn't really feel like going out and my plans got cancelled so I went to Vana'diel. Had fun until things took a turn to the creepy with a proposal for marriage -- twice. =/  That was a awkward one for me... I decided to curl up and watch a movie "13 Going On 30" which was very fitting since I am now 30.

32.What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
2004:  Trust, Honesty and Love
2005:  Trust, Honesty and Love <--- yeah that hasn't changed.
2006:  Love

33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept this year?
2004:  Business casual at work. Blue jeans going out. And Comfy cozy when I am chillin' in my sweats.
2005:  Business casual at work. Blue jeans going out. Comfy cozy when I am chillin' with people I am comfortable with relaxing.
2006:  Ok I am lame and don't change my fashion much... I like what I like. *shrugs*

34. What kept you sane?
2004:  Tigger, Dad, a couple of very close friends at different times.
2005:  Tigger, Dad, a couple of very close friends at different times. <--- still the same
2006:  Tigger, David and Angela mostly.

35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
2004:  Nobody really...
2005:  Nobody really... mmmm still not so much into celebrities, but I do love my Country music artists.
2006:  Garth Brooks I guess if I have to pick someone.

36. What political issue stirred you the most?
2004:  That Bush was "elected" president.
2005:  That Bush was "elected" president. <--- still bugs me, but more so the senseless war.
2006:  I'm still not over this Bush for president things. lmfao... I can't wait until he is out.

37. Who did you miss?
2004:  Way too many to describe here for so many reasons. I would say my top 5 would be: Dad, Cuervo, Lori, Emyli & Keri
2005:  Way too many to describe here for so many reasons. I would say my top 5 would be: My Grandma, Laura, Cuervo, Bryon and Emyli
2006:  My friends and loved ones who have passed away and who have moved on and those who are far away that I can talk to or see as much as I would like.

38. Who was the best new person you met?
2004:  Hmmmmm... I can't say I really have met anyone new this year... oh wait... I guess Ali would be this year. Although we have our differences, I believe she means well.
2005:  Well, I haven't technically met him, but Michael has become a good friend that I have been talking to lately.
2006:  I met a lot of really great people this year, the two who have made the biggest difference in my life would be David and Angela.

39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned this year:
2004:  Trust. Trust can never be earned. It is the best gift and the hardest gift you can ever give to someone. It is also the easiest to break. My jury is still out on if you can give your whole trust again after it has been broken. I don't think so, but I still have hope.
2005:  A lot of lessons about loving people... people who are no longer with us, people who broke my heart, people who have betrayed my trust, people who care for me when I don't feel like I deserve it.
2006:  Just because people leave your life doesn't mean they stop influencing you and just because you are out of touch with people doesn't mean you stop loving them. I also learned that there are people out there who care about others' feelings and would do anything they can just to see you smile.

40. What sums up this year for you?
2004:  This is a year of a lot of goodbyes. Some too near to talk about without tears coming to my eyes and my heart choking me up. Some are still on the horizon. This is a very sad time for me indeed, but I am getting excited for the future that lays ahead of me. I know it is going to be amazing I just got to get past my past and the present. This has also been a great year for me in challenging myself to try new things. This is what will get me through to the good times in my future.
2005:  This is a year of a lot of goodbyes. Some too near to talk about without tears coming to my eyes and my heart choking me up. Some are still on the horizon. This is a very sad time for me indeed, but I am getting excited for the future that lays ahead of me. I know it is going to be amazing I just got to get past my past and the present. This has also been a great year for me in challenging myself to try new things. <---- wow, I impress myself sometimes. I would say this holds very true this year as well.
2006:  This year for me has been a lot more of new beginnings instead of endings. A time to keep moving forward and finding peace and happiness with me. A year of reflection and building hope to the future. I learned that I do have a lot to offer people and that I am very loved, almost spoiled. =P  I reached the prime age of 30 and I am ready to move to the next stages in life. =)

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