September 11th, 2006

Sep 11, 2006 00:09

Well first off, it's now been five years since Sept 11th 2001 has happened to our country.

I was at NBHS when I heard what happened, but didn't get the severity of the situation till History class where I saw the planes hit the World Trade Center over and over again. I remember the hurt and anger I'd that day. I didn't lose anyone, thank the Lord, but I still cried for I felt like I lost my sense of security in my country.

My hatred went from Osama for doing this to Bush for giving a bigger shit about what Sadam did to his daddy back in the 90's than what Osama did this millenium.

Now a days, I pray on this day. It's my personal rememberance day. A Vietnam if you will. So, no one has to, but if yall have a moment, take a time and reflect on the day that changed our country. The day America stumbled off it's high "security" horse, and realized it can be easily destroyed.

And don't be afraid of terrorism. Fear politicians, cuz they'r 75% of the time the reason it happens.

Anywho, never forget where you were that day or how you felt the first time you saw what happened. Why? Cuz one day you'll be telling your kids about this.

Like my folks told me about the assasination of Martin Luther King Jr.
And the assassination of JFK. It's history and we're a part of it.
And take a moment too for the countless lives lost, who mourn over the loses, and who still fear getting onto planes and going outside due to this event.

Ok, I'm done now... I'm still mad, and I still hate, but I'm moving on with this day embedded in my memory.
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