The minister and vaccine

Nov 16, 2021 11:13

Regarding the coronavirus. Here are the statements of the lady-minister Golikova:

“The coronavirus vaccination certificate should become as important a document in the life of our citizens as a passport. And the news from the regions about the records for daily vaccination is very encouraging. But let me remind you that we need to achieve collective immunity in a short time so as not to delay the development of the pandemic in our country, ”she said. Read more on RBC:

Why is Golikova so insistent on segregation, on the introduction of QR-codes, which should be used to mark citizens hooked on the needle. And the production of this so-called. Vaccine is it just her business and or her environment? Is she using her position to sell citizens a vaccine not recognized by the WHO? For the sake of your own profit, ready to destroy someone else's health? While it is known about this vaccine of hers that it does not protect either from infection, and therefore from disease .. This is not a vaccine.

Why is the citizen in a hurry by any means to sell her bullshit? Why should a certificate of a bullshit vaccine become no less, but an important document in the life of her citizens?

There is no herd immunity. There is no Wuhan strain for a long time .. And there is a vaccine against the Wuhan strain.

vaccine, wuhan, covid

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