Provide citizens with social guarantees: three meals a day, round-the-clock security, leisure

Mar 02, 2021 12:24

As the press secretary of the President Peskov noted, it is obvious that due to the pandemic 'many have felt a change in their income for the worse in the direction of their decrease': 'This happened all over the world but the fact that in Russia it is they say more acute problem than in other countries of the world, we do not agree with this. '

Yes that there and we do not agree too!

Take, for example, Germany or France - there people receive money, according to our standards, immeasurably. And, of course, it is noticeable if, for example, it has become two times less. What's ours? Like they got shit with a penny so now without a penny and the same shit.

Peskov himself of course has a decent income and he did not suffer at all. Does he save on food? No, he eats well. No one was hurt at the top, except for Putin - there was a palace but became an apartment hotel and that of Rotenberg. But there's nothing you can do about it, just the circumstances. In addition the perpetrators were punished and imprisoned in the city of Pokrov, Vladimir region. But even there the food is good three times a day. Many officials, after the early termination of public service move there to eat, no complaints have been received.

According to the U.S. company Nielsen more than half of Russians lost in income due to the pandemic and 70% are forced to save including on food.

Bloomberg has included Russia in the list of 'hot spots' where protests are possible due to the rise in food prices.

But this is all a lie slander and distortion of facts!

Even before the epidemic we saved 70 percent on food, nothing has changed. They just ate a lot of shit before but now less is even good for health.

I have a pension of 13,000,  before the pandemic it was not enough, and now the same. I didn't feel any different at all.

if there are problems with nutrition, then you can move to permanent residence in prisons, where they feed well. There are many leisure facilities in prison, some even change their sexual orientation, create unisex families - this is allowed.

And Bloomberg takes this desire of the masses of workers to move to state support in the FSEP (Federal system of execution of punishments in Russia) as a desire for mass protests. And people just want to sit down on budget content. We have a socially oriented state according to the constitution, and we are always ready to provide citizens with social guarantees: three meals a day, round-the-clock security and meaningful leisure.

politics, russia, putin, goverment

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