OMG OMG OMG OMG. I feel like I just won the raffle.
a review has been posted on for common market's upcoming (INCREDIBLE) album, "tobacco road." not only is the review positive, but
they posted a freakin' FREE track from the album... one of my favorites, the track that shares the namesake of the album, "tobacco road." when you hear this song, I hope you'll see part of why I love this group so much. music like this just doesn't come up often enough. I forget about everything that bothers me when I hear this music. I can't even form the right combination of words to express how positively and genuinely the massline artists affect my perspective on life.
that being said...
you MUST listen to it and read this!!! I have a few things to post about, so expect updates later, once I have some free time...
wow. I don't even care that I caught kris' sore throat anymore. I have a song from tobacco road!!