Feb 08, 2006 12:44

you absolutely must, must, MUST watch this video. it'll take awhile to load/download, but trust me, do it.
ever wonder what it would be like if life were really like a musical? these kids decided to find out. it is phenomenal.
special thanks to the always awesome wisenaboo for this golden nugget of interweb goodness!!

had my interview today... not sure how it went. actually, honestly, I'm not sure how I feel about the job. I was so intimidated by the guy who interviewed me.
hey, in other news, if you'd like a dvd of some stuff I've made (animatics and whatnot), let me know and I can send you a copy! tra la.

I'm so tired I could weep. but work study and thesis class beckon. ;_;

please.... bedtime...... *skozzzzzz*

funny, job hunting

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