work today wasn't as bad as it could have been, and we did a ginormous sale today, too. it got hectic, but we cleaned up really quickly. it was a pretty good day. but for part of the day, I felt dizzy while the sale was going, and I was scared I might black out while on the floor... I hate fainting. I don't recommend it.
I have tomorrow off. mom, kate and I might go to the zoo and-- get this-- see the spider exhibit. ho man! it sounds cool to me. spiders scare the sheeyot outta me, but behind glass, where they can't hurt me, I kinda get a kick outta jumping outta my skin by looking at them, in all their scariness.
I plan on just realxing tomorrow... but damnit, I just remembered, I'm supposed to go see my dentist at 8. crap.
I stole an idea from
sunlit_shadows to make a shout-out list of everyone on my friends list.
scan the list, and see if you can figure out which one you are-- because, even if I hardly know you, I *did* write something specially for you in here. comment and take a guess, see if you're right-- go on!!
(also, note that these are in no particular order. I made it completely scrambled.)
we have a mutual friend from school-you’ll be there next year, she won’t-but we really must spend some time hanging out. I love how you don’t like to take anyone’s shit, despise stupid people, and recognize the wisdom of stewie griffen.
you make my good friend very happy, and you have for a long time. you’re a sweet person with a heart of gold, and I really respect the way you manage to be optimistic and crack jokes with me, even when I’m too bummed to crack them back.
you helped me survive high school english with your wit, style, and amusing take on the irony of morons in a respected educational institution. you also have a smile so irresistibly devious that I sometimes attempt to mirror, in hopes that it’ll rub off of me.
you moderate a community that I’m very active in, which is the only real community I care about on lj. you’re awesome because you love anime and phil collins. ^^ I hope you don’t have anymore trouble with roomies or get your car stolen anymore!!
your entries crack me up, and when they’re serious, they’re really poignant and interesting. “my love for you is like ham.” and I still really think that the east coast is unworthy of your hardcore-da-bomb-diggityness.
I don’t know you well, but I love that you’re one of few lmu people to have a realistic view on the world. you also don’t like to take any shit, and you have often been the voice of reason in the lmu community.
we friended on lj through our mutual love for rurouni kenshin. I’m really glad we did, because you are incredibly sweet, spunky, and a real unique kid. you’ve offered me some really encouraging words… and helped me track down an art thief to boot!
you won’t see this entry because you’re in iraq... and nobody has any idea where you are. you don’t even use lj anymore, but I have you friended anyway. I love you, but not like I loved you in grade school. I’m worried sick about you and just want you to come home. please be safe.
yo yo yo beeyatch, straight up listen to thiz bitch, cuz I only gonna bust this joint ONCE for y’all!! just joshin’ yo, y’allz know I lovez yoo!! yoo muh muthafuckin’ homie, g!! TIT-a-villis, he so ill-iz, grab a bud light and sit down an’ chill-iz! BOYEEE!!!
you never update your lj anymore-I think you just read your friends’ entries now. but I hope you’re happy living in your new state with your boy, and that you’re happy and well. (wasn’t shrek 2 SO cute?!) luff!!
you are the greatest thing to happen to me… more than any number of acceptance letters to dream universities. within the first half year I knew you, I filled an entire journal about you. I live for you. my fingers will be stroking your hair again before we know it.
you call me kreeton like everyone else does, but you’re the only one who calls me an egg. that night we got blood in my hair was one of the greatest nights of my life. and I may not like thai, but let’s hit up that restaurant you’ve told me so much about when I get back…
I also don’t know you very well, though I’ve had you friended on lj for a long time now. you don’t update much anymore, and that’s a shame, since your entries were always so funny. some choice keywords: WWF, extreme frisbee, conan o’brien, blockbuster.
::dons a pair of lederhosen:: HNYAARRRR!!! “leeet’s go…. broncos…” ….GAH!!! “I clutch you to my online bosom.” “he’s got the rocket in his pocket that’s faster than the speed of light!” *hums the girl from ipanema while you play your armpit* and the first one ever… “so, grease the pan lately??” EYE LUV YOO!!
hey, from what I can tell, you’re not too shabby at cutting guys’ hair! wish you could teach me how to do that, the same way you taught me (and your little bro) how to make grilled cheese sammiches. you’re ultracool, and I guess that’s how I got to be the top commenter on your journal. ^_^;
I completely adore the little box you made me for christmas with our pictures on it. you are my sweet baboo. even though bob is gone, we shall still continue to drive up many hills together.
you are one of the sweetest people I’ve ever known, and I’ve never even met you! you’re so spunky and so good at finding the silver lining-you even handle depression gracefully. your faith and your love in your life make you strong. I have endless respect for you and appreciate all the kind words you’ve given me.
I don’t really know you, but you have really, really awesome hair. and you taught me nifty catchphrases like “PLZ GO XPLDE NOW KTHXBI.” ^^; (did I get that right…?)
men are shits. a good one is hard to find. but trust me… they’re out there, the good ones. and the right one, he’s out there. it's like writing- 1000 pages of crap before gold? the same goes for menfolk. march 13 will live on forever.
I also don’t know you very well, but friended you from the lmu community because you were also a cool, non-california stereotype guy. I think we even passed each other in the drawing studio and just never realized it. we should hang out sometime next year.
we have a mutual friend through lj--- you guys went to school together. we don’t comment on each others’ journals but I still read your posts, which are mostly about rpg’s and endeavours with the ladies ;) . oh, happy belated birthday!
you make my main comrade very happy. I like it that way. when you go away the same week I do, it’s going to suck for her. so let’s focus on making this last month as wonderful as possible for her. right? I would like to hang out with you more, whenever you’re not selling games and I’m not selling plaid.
sorry I’m not on AIM so much anymore for us to talk! I still remember how you helped me to touch up the design for my tattoo. that was so awesome of you to do for me. still willing to pirate me a copy of photoshop?? I’ll trade you a drawing for it.
man, I’ve hardly gotten to see you since I graduated hna and left the carpool! I’m so glad you first year in college/abroad was so great for you. you worked your fuggin’ ARSE off to get into that school, and “gor blimey” if you don’t deserve it!!
we met at lmu just at the tail end of the year, and what a shame! not to fret, though-this next year will have ample opportunity to make up for lost time. anime fest in leavey 5 102 (a.k.a. house of kenshin) for sure!!
I don’t think you’ll see this entry, because you moved your journal to your webpage… and I’m not sure you ever read my entries anyway? :p anyway, have fun in western, and enjoy being back in washington!!
“tale as old as time… song as old as rhyme…” “I’ll be there for yooooouu!!” “I’m sii-ii-iing in the rain…” man, thank god for dvds, eh?? pink is the best color. and we just happen to be two people it looks damn good on. ::strikes a pose::
you won’t read this because your entries/essays are way popular and generate like 1000 comments each. but I love reading what you write. you could SO be the next david sedaris (and not just because you’re gay).
not, but not least: why don’t you update anymore? I miss analyzing your dreams entries. I guess maybe since moving out you’re too busy to update or something. anyway, hope you’re doing well!
that's it for this entry. I'm in a silly-ish mood, but I am a weary kreeton. *sproings off*