May 26, 2004 16:13
yesterday I got to see mollie. it was really awesome- we went to go see shrek 2, and bumped into jamie and evan, because we went to the theatre right across the way from shiboo/jamie/alyssa's apartment. the movie was really cute... very clever, and visually stunning. I like the fairy godmother, not because she's evil, but because she's glittery and sings pretty.
mollie is really busy right now, which sucks, because she won't be here long before she goes to berlin, and then she comes back home right when I have to leave to go back to l.a.
which reminds me... one of the cutest things austin does is say "when you [I] come home," as in, home being l.a., where he is. I really love that he says that. "I just want you to come home," he'll say, and it makes me feel so happy to hear him say that. I love that guy so much.
the distance has been really hard lately. a few nights ago I hardly slept because I was so sad from missing him so much. I sobbed and cradled the austin-kristen photo album I have, because I don't have anything from him (like a shirt or stuffed animal or blanky or something) that I can snuggle. the corners of the album put violent dimples in my cheeks. and I tossed and turned in squirmy fits of sleep and got up with only a few hours under my belt (and huge bags under my eyes).
yesterday when mollie and I were out it rained a lot. we went to eat at jalisco's on 15th, and it was raining, and it felt really nice. being with mollie in general really made me happy, and brought back a warm nostalgia that reminded me of my nice times in seattle.
I ordered a kill bill poster off of that's really badass. it came today, so I put it up on my wall, but that meant completely rearranging everything I had up. it was quite the trial.
I also heard back from one of the jobs I applied for, finally! the temp position I wanted (the one I wanted most) turns out to be a permanent position, so I'm not suited for it, but there's summer temp work available. I wanna apply for it, but with no goddamned car.... that makes it tough.
the car thing. yes.
I have a...plan.
my grandparents, coco & bopu, are coming up for their annual summer visit next month. er, july, or something. the sooner the better. like everyone else but us in my extended family, coco & bopu are freekin' loaded. I'm going to ask them for help with getting a car. maybe they can give me a loan, maybe they can give me my part of their will early, anything. but I was talking to my mom about it yesterday as we dined in a really grub bagel cafe in west seattle, and she thinks it's a good idea.
they bought me my laptop, and they give me incompetent aunt judith money all the time. I wrote them periodically from school. they call me "beloved granddaughter." so I hope I have some kind of a chance with this....because it's probably my last resort. I don't know how to even go about getting a loan on my own.
and this all sucks very much.
I want a car, so I can get a job. and I want my boyfriend, to make the other crappy things be un-crappy, and to outweigh the crappy things.
I really am not looking forward to taking online classes, either. I don't even know when they start.
so, being home alone right now and bored crapless, the thing that's basically keeping me going is remembering how lucky I am. I really do have a lot to be grateful for... it just sucks that two things I need and that are completely necessary are so hard to obtain.
job hunting,
coco & bopu,