101 in 1001

Apr 16, 2013 19:41

101 goals in 1001 days. Starting tomorrow, 4/17/13, ending 1/13/16.

I'll explain more, reword, and format the ever-loving crap out of it later (right now I think some things only make sense to me... ) but I wanted to post it before heading to Australia so it'll count towards my new country count :D

Goal/Item status
1 Make a list and post it

2 Make convention scrapbook / book of photo ops, friends, etc.
3 Make a knotz scrapbook
4 Make/find a kick-ass halloween costume
5 Make a cd for boot camp / songs Ryan & Danielle should have
# 6 has been edited out until it has been completed. You will see why when I update it.
7 take at least 1 photo a day and post for a month 0/30
8 take pictures of nephews/neice at the YMCA pool

9 Learn to make dad's sauce
10 Make frrrozen hot chocolate
11 Learn a new recipe (one to add to the repertoire)
12 Make at least 5 new recipes 0/5
13 Try 5 new foods 0/5
14 Grow herbs in the house
15 Grow veggies on the deck
16 Make my own nut butter
17 Do not eat bread for 2 weeks 0/14
18 Have only homemade/home cooked meals for 2 weeks 0/14
19 Find a new vegetable to spiralize! (besides squash & cukes!)
20 Cook pacific salmon well. Even if just once.
21 complete a "whole 30"
22 Avoid drinking alcohol for 30 days 0/30
23 Avoid drinking soda for 60 days 0/60

24 Fix/repaint bedroom walls
25 Organize/improve entryway to house
26 Pave driveway (or some other "major" house improvement)
27 under deck storage
28 Replace broken window locks
29 Replace loose outlets (ALL)
30 Fix painted-in windows
31 Clean guinness rug
32 Get new shelves for bar (or have aaron make them!)
33 Reinstate bar room for use

34 Backup files to server (auto backup thingey?)
35 Make & maintain an inventory list of all my cds (along with who borrows what)
36 Make & maintain an inventory list of all my dvds (along with who borrows what)
37 Make and maintain a list of concerts attended
38 Clean out downstairs closet (including rubbermaid tubs)
39 scan college photos/negatives
40 scan high school photos/negatives
41 scan post college photos/negatives
42 Spend 5-10 minutes a day for a week keeping the kitchen and living room clean 0/7
43 Spend 5-10 minutes a day for a week keeping my room clean 0/7
44 Get fireproof box for hard drive backup
45 Transfer all files and get rid of (donate?) old desktop.
46 Install negative scanner
47 Install photo scanner (the new one)
48 clear out closets and house 1x month, donate excess to BBBS 0/34

49 Attend every day of 3 boot camp sessions 0/20:0/3
50 Exercise 6 days a week for at least 5 weeks (in a row) 0/6:0/5
51 Exercise at least half the days when on travel for work (if possible)
52 Fit back into size 6 or 8 non stretch jeans
53 Hula hoop for at least 30 minutes every work day for 2 weeks 0/14
54 Make up an exercise version of a drinking game for 2 movies 0/2
55 Play an exercise version of a drinking game to 2 movies 0/2
56 do ankle exercises twice a day, every day, for 2 weeks 0/14
57 Improve boot camp assessment by at least 2 cycles/1 minute/20 "reps" from start
58 Keep an accurate food journal for 30 days 0/30
59 Score a goal in A/B 0/1
60 Score 2 goals in C 0/2

61 Do 5 things from the book of things to do before you die (new ones!) 0/5
62 Listen to songs by 101 artists I’ve never listened to before 0/101
63 Read 1984
64 Read 5 more (new) books not already listed or suggested 0/5
65 Read a book suggested by bridget
66 Read a book suggested by dad
67 Read a book suggested by Aaron
68 Read a book suggested by smm
69 Read a book suggested by Alison
70 Read foundation series
71 Read How to Win Friends and Influence People
72 Reread the catcher in the rye
73 visit at least 1 new state or canadian provence
74 visit at least 2 new countries 0/2
75 Watch 26 movies I've never seen starting with each letter of the Alphabet 0/26
76 Go through rosetta stone for german (or another German language program)
77 spend a day taking pictures to play with effects, camera, etc

78 Brush teeth before bed for a month 0/30
79 wash face before bed for a month 0/30
80 Find an outfit that makes me feel sexy/fantastic
81 "own" a room with my presence
82 Don't put myself down for 2 weeks 0/14
83 Email/message a friend I haven't talked to in a while once a month 0/34
84 Find 30 Geocaches 0/30
85 Find a local doctor (closer than wood river)
86 Find a pair of jeans that fit spectacularly
87 Finish a Sunday crossword puzzle
88 Flirt with a stranger
89 Go on a date
90 Have connor and caleb for a sleep over (?)
91 Learn a new makeup style/way of wearing
92 Post at least once a week in LJ for a month (different month than photo) 0/4
93 Start a list of 1001 things that make me smile 0/1001
94 visit grandmama in nursing home at least 1x/month 0/34
95 Wear the new (awesome rainbow platform) shoes
96 Find a decent casual outfit that isn't a t shirt and jeans
97 Find a decent semi-casual outfit

98 Get savings account to 20000 and keep it there for at least a month
99 Put 5 bucks in a jar for each completed item 0/101
100 Compare professionally done taxes to turbo tax result (act on results following year)
101 Don't buy anything (except the necessary groceries, gas, bridge toll, util, oil) for 30 days 0/30

I had made a list a while ago, but never posted or really "Started" it, but I managed to complete these without trying...

Completed from old list (as of March 2013):
1 backup files
2 cd for connor
3 cd for martini II (shows how old this list is. Martini II was Caleb, who is now 3. He also has 2 younger sibligs!)
4 cut down weeds and crap in backyard
5 do seattle scrapbook
6 finish band scrapbook
7 get rid of garden box and fix lawn
8 install snowboard holder in storage room
9 keep a spreadsheet each christmas of gifts to who and cost, to keep spending in check
10 make a step CD
11 make cardio playlist
12 make weight lifting playlist
13 meet someone I only know from the interwebs (CC/IOV/etc)
14 order something different at the mews
15 pay for everyone at dinner one night
16 pay off car
17 put up more small shelves in living room
18 read book suggested by dad
19 read I, robot
20 redo upstairs bathroom
21 remove stump
22 score 2 goals in C
23 score a goal in A or coed
24 start a geocache
25 visit at least 1 new state or canadian provence
26 visit at least 2 new countries

101 in 1001

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