Oct 27, 2004 15:25
now I'm done with that....let me explain why people piss me off
1. Because they talk about the same thing every fucking day like its a god damn surprise, and how wonderful it is that "stan" is talkign to you and wants to hang out..newsflash: I dont care, neither does anyone else so shut up already
2. Life isn't always about you, so stop and care about anothers feelings for a change, instead of being up your own ass
3. Life is difficult..true..but get over it!..If it was easy then everyone would be bored off their ass
4. I hate it when your allowed to talk about yourself when your god, but as soon as i say something positive about myself (mind you I dont often) IM conceited!
5. Why are their cars parked on the actual campus lawn..oops! sorry off tangent
6. Why is it that when I'm off doing things with my friends it's a consistent guilt trip, but when you're with yours I can't be upset or bothered by it? oh well..fuck you then
Ok..so yea poop..people can lick my grundel if they can find it and I hope that everyone who applies to these six simple things dies in a big bonfire and their inner parts explod eunder the pressure....ahhh..now i feel better