
Jan 02, 2006 19:23

Great, I'm going to have to start ending the date with /06.What I mean to say is, Happy New Year. Thats gunna be a tuffie.I go back to Hell, or as some would call it, school, tomorrow. I get to see my "friends" again. I'm hoping the King of Sweden will sign my peace agreement, but he may continue to do me the way we did Cuba, despite my offering of reimbursement of things directly causing something ending in -noma. We will see. well, I will see at least. I'll let you know how things turn out.

I've decided to withdraw my complaints and up-turned nose for children's television. There's nothing morally wrong with (most of) it. It's just annoying. that's all.

I wanna see Of Montreal in concert! Good luck, Evan the Red. I hope you enjoy it.

Roger, Wilco, and out.
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