The Few, The Proud, The Broken 18/?

Dec 21, 2012 19:48

Title: The Few, The Proud, The Broken 18/?
Author: krebsbach
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Summary: Jensen is a Marine suffering PTSD who just wants to be left alone. Jared is the Psychologist trying to help him.
Beta’d by: orvida
Warning: NC-17, POW Torture, rape
Notes: Watched a local news story about returning vets that got me thinking about PTSD.
Disclaimer: as usual my twisted brain has the boys doing
naughty things to each other.

Adam watched his computer screen flick as it checked for any information on the USB stick. The computer beeped as it showed four files were already on the flash. Looking over his shoulder "Hey Robby looks like there are four files on this one." Adam said turning back to the computer. "Looks like they are video files."
Robby scooted closer to the desk looking over Adam’s shoulder. "Better look at the files to make sure they aren’t our stuff before we erase them." Adam clicked the file named base.
A dim shot of an art deco living room came into view. A big shaggy haired guy sat on the sofa a beer bottle dangling in his hand between his wide spread legs. The man looked relaxed almost sleepy. It was weird that someone had just videoed a random guy chilling in his house.
The next file opened at a glance looked like the same scene. But the guy sitting on the sofa was just a tad smaller and not as broad across the shoulders with a mop of hair just a shade past dishwater blonde. The big difference was there was another guy kneeling between the guys splayed legs his face mashed in the dudes crotch obviously giving sofa guy a blow job.
"Holy Crap Robby is that your uncle blowing the dude?" Adam asked his eyes wide.
"I don’t know? Looks like it but I can’t tell with his face on the guy’s dick." Robby wanted to look away but his eyes stayed glued.
Adam opened the next file. The scene was the first file with the big guy holding the beer. But now the image of Robby’s uncle kneeling was spliced into the scene. The editing job was sloppy like a first year visual art student had done it. The next file had a finished product that looked like it was a movie. The scene was completely clean of any sign that is it was altered.
"Robby where did you get this USB?" Adam asked
Robby shook his head. "I have no idea. It must have been my uncles and left in the bag." Robby reached over clicking the mouse to close the file before pulling the UBS stick out.
The tea pot whistled making Mary jump. "Christ Mary get a hold of yourself." She mumbled as she turned the burner off pouring the hot water into her cup.
Sipping her tea Mary looked out her kitchen window. Her neighbor was still smoking on his steps. It must be a bad night at his house. David only stayed outside when his wife Miranda was having a bad night. Miranda was in the last stages of breast cancer. She was only 34 years old. David and Miranda had been high school sweethearts and gotten married after graduation. A week ago David reluctantly brought her back home from the hospital because Miranda didn’t want to die in the hospital.
Tobias got out of his car and started to walk toward the small house. His mind working out what he would say to charm his way inside. The sound of a screen door opening made him stop walking. He clinched his fists watching the man head across the driveways. Tobias turned around going back to his car.
Mary stepped out on her back steps. "Hey David how about a cup of coffee or a beer." Mary called across the drive way to the man sitting on his steps.
Giving a heavy sigh David stood crushing his second cigarette under his boot before walking across the two drive ways to Mary’s door. "A beer sounds nice." He gave Mary a weak smile that didn’t meet his eyes. When he stepped over the threshold into the dimly lit kitchen David turned. "Miranda is gone. She died while I was heating up my dinner." David sobbed his knees buckling.
"Oh God David!" Mary sobbed wrapping her arms around David. "Did you call someone?" she asked.
"I couldn’t pick up the phone. I. Shit! If I call 911 and they came Miranda would really be gone." David’s voice cracked his rational mind knew he wasn’t making sense. Mary got David into a kitchen chair and called 911.
"What the fuck is this Gideon? Does this suit stand a chance?" Dr. John Hudson asked with a frustrated growl.
After the hospital suspended Dr. Padalecki the team of government lawyers assured the board that after a short period internal "investigation" the hospital could terminate Padalecki’s contract with the VA. That given the potential for personal scandal and loss of any future in the psychiatric field Padalecki would take whatever offer they gave for the better good.
But now Padalecki had a lawyer. Not just any lawyer either he had Christian Kane defender of those wrongfully accused by the government. How did Padalecki get on Kane’s radar in the first place? John rubbed his throbbing temple. His cell phone buzzed in his pocket for the 4th time that night. His wife was pissed he wasn’t home for dinner yet again.
Gideon Arcadian pushed his thick round wire rim glasses back up his nose. Rubbing his extended pot belly with his other hand. "Well he was suspended before any investigation or grievance was brought by the hospital board. So a suit for wrongful suspension should have been expected."
"Your office never mentioned that." Hudson snapped.
Gideon clucked his tongue. "Dickerson is fresh out of law school and still wet behind the ears. The board should have waited until I returned from New York before taking any action against Padalecki."
The hospital board had been in a hurry to prevent any appearance of impropriety and smear to their public image. The VA Hospital may be a government funded hospital as in business reputation was everything. If the public thought the hospital was allowing troubled veterans to be further injured by disgraceful practices of their staff then Veterans Administration would likely close them down to save face.
"How good is Kane really?" John asked
"Kane is Clarence Darrow and Jerry Spence rolled together with the temperament of a rabid pit bull. He will lie to waist anything we could bring. My best advice to the board would be settle. Give Padalecki anything he wants." Gideon said heaving himself up from his chair.
"You afraid of going up against Kane?" Hudson accused.
"Facing Christian Kane across a court room is enough to keep any lawyer up at night." Gideon picked up his walking stick. "Have a good evening Dr."
Hudson picked up his phone. "Find out how Padalecki got Christian Kane for lawyer." He snapped before hanging up.
Jensen could feel the sweat running across his back from the Hellfire heat radiating off Jared’s body as he snuggled behind him. Jared’s muscled arm curled tightly around Jensen’s waist. He was surprised that being held so closely didn’t send him into a panic. Jensen laced his fingers through Jared where they were tucked around him.
"MMM. This is nice." Jared growled against Jensen’s neck. "Never woke up with an angel in my arms before."
Jensen giggled. "You are a big sap. An angel really? Been called a lot of things in my life, but never an angel." Jensen turned to lie on his back. "If anyone is an angel in this bed it’s you Jared." Jensen reached up threading his fingers through Jared’s thick mane pulling him into a deep kiss.
Sliding his knee between Jensen’s legs Jared stroked his hand down Jensen’s chest. Jared licked and nipped at plump lips before moving to press hot kisses along the scruffy jaw line to the pale gold freckles of Jensen’s neck. Jared hissed as he bit into his shoulder as Jared tweaked his nipple. "Fuck Jen!"
Hitching his leg around Jared’s hip Jensen bucked up grinding his aching cock into the big Doctor’s. "Going to cum. Shit Jared!" Jensen felt his ball draw up ready to shoot. Both men shuttered as their combined cum splattered between their stomachs.
Jared propped himself up looking down into Jensen’s beautiful blissed out green eyes. "That’s the best good morning ever."
Tobias gripped his hands tightly on the steering wheel. The sun was starting to peek out over the horizon. He had been sitting waiting and watching Mary Ventimiglia’s house and her neighbor’s house as people streamed in and out of both. The bitch hadn’t left her neighbor’s side since he walked across the drive way.
"Fuck!" Tobias slammed his fists on the wheel.

the broken, the few, the proud

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