Making Circles 19/?

Jul 18, 2012 21:02

Title: Making Circles 19/?
Author: krebsbach
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Summary: Love hurts, Love is stubborn, and love is
Full of need and anger. Righteousness is a love warped
Beyond everything.
Beta’d by: orvida
Warning: NC-17, homophobia
Notes: Just an idea that popped into my head listening to
Kane’s song ‘Making Circles’ the explicit version
Disclaimer: as usual my twisted brain has the boys doing
naughty things to each other.

The ridge line was just a wide open space. Not the best place to conceal a sniper waiting for his target. That was unless the sniper knew how to use the high grass to hide, which Tommy Benton did. He had been hunting in the tall grass of the range since he was a little boy. Smith had told him about the un Godly things the five men in the large house had been partaking in and it disgusted him.

"Is my mom ok? What did Jeff say? Jay! What happened?" Jensen peppered Jared with questions as soon as he got off the phone.
Jared grabbed Jensen pulling him into a bone crushing hug. "Jeff said we can go home Baby. We can all go home." Jared said against Jensen’s neck.

After Jared gave a short explanation of his phone conversation with Jeff. Laughter and hugs erupted Kevin slapped Christian’s back trying to side step the group hug only to be snagged by Jared who pulled him in. "No getting away, dude. You are part of us now." Jared said with a sinful chuckle.

"Just trying to avoid getting crushed to death by you giant goof balls." Kevin answered with a chuckle.

With a leer in his electric blue eyes Christian got the opportunity to cop a feel of Kevin’s firm ass. Kevin glared elbowing Christian in the gut. "Watch it you pervert."

Through the scope of his rifle Tommy lined up his first shot a perfect head shot to Ackles. As his finger twitched to pull the trigger the sound of a vehicle moving closer distracted him enough he lost the shot. "Son of a bitch!"

The news that prompted the Dallas business man Kenneth Bailey had been arrested in connection with the blackmail and attempted murder of his nephew Jensen Ackles and his partner Jared Padalecki. The press seemed to gloss over that fact that the two men and their neighbor had been reported as dying in a house explosion and that a very public funeral was held for them.
Carr Smith scanned the rolling grass lands surrounding the Morgan place looking for his hired gun Tommy Benton. He needed to stop the kid from doing something stupid. Putting Padalecki and Ackles down would have to wait until all the attention died down. Smith had to wait until he knew what Bailey was saying to the police.

Kevin stopped what he was doing and looked out the big window across the sloping prairie. The wind rippled through the green and yellow strands of grass like an ocean wave. Just short of a hundred yards out there was a gap in the grass like someone or something had decided to lay down hiding among the grass. The shine of the mid-day sun hit the unmistakable curved glass of sniper scope flashed. Kevin was moving before recognition of what he saw was completely formed in his mind.

"Kane! Get everyone to cover. We have sniper!" Kevin yelled.

Christian grabbed his own rifle before getting the other three men into the basement. He tossed Jared his Glock. "Anyone comes to the door you shot first ask who it is later. You got me stretch?"

"How you know it’s not just some deer hunter?" Jensen asked his hand shoved deep into his jean pockets.

"It’s not deer season Jenny. Stay down here until I call Steve." Christian answered before leaving.

"Be careful you fucking shit head!" Steve yelled after him.

Smith pulled his SUV over getting out. "Benton! Benton where are you?"
Smith started to walk into the tall grass.

Tommy heard the preacher calling his name. His hands started to shake and sweat pooled on his forehead. His perfect shot had been ruined by Smith driving in like a maniac. Stupid preacher probably got cold feet. But taking out the faggot lover’s would be Tommy’s first step into the business of being a hired killer like Carlos the Jackal.

The preacher’s footsteps came closer Tommy turned onto his back holding his rifle ready to pull the trigger when Smith came into view.

"Damn it Benton!" Carr growled.

Kevin slipped out the back of the house running in a crouched motion with his rifle over his back. His leg and back erupting in hot almost blinding pain like someone was grinding jagged glass over his scars. It was only training, stubbornness, and adrenaline that kept Kevin from falling down and crying in agony.

He saw a man walking into the tall grass like he was looking for something. The slight movement in the grass told Kevin where his hunter was. Just the tip of the rifle peeked up from the sea of green and yellow grass. The sharp crack of the rifle report got Kevin moving again.

Tommy watched the blood spread out over the front of the preacher’s chest as Smith fell dead to the ground. Slowly he moved to stand. Tommy needed to move closer to the house. He would take out his targets as they left the house. A sharp pain sliced through his back just below the shoulder blade. The tangy metal taste of blood filled his mouth. Tommy clutched his chest as his knees buckled. Like the preacher he was dead before he hit the ground.

Hearing the gun shot’s Christian ran toward Kevin. "Kevin! Shit! Kevin you fucking asshole!"

Barely able to move Kevin raised his hand yelling weakly. "I am over here you fucking Hick!"


making circles

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