eight post: the week up ahead.

Dec 15, 2007 18:24

Haha, well. People have been telling me to take a break from life at the moment. Considering it's summer holidays and I haven't really stopped moving :P My busy week starts yet again tomorrow, beginning with hanging out with Robbie and then going to my work's Christmas Party. After that, guess what a good week it's going to be? -sarcastic- I have a straight, 8-hour-a-day, 7-days week next week for work. At least I'll be rich, right? (I nearly just typed rich again instead of right. Money's on my mind.) But nooo. I get taxed. Nearly one hundred dollars. Actually, only 1 dollar off that, haha. And then I'm taking Robbie clothes shopping (HE NEEDS NEW CLOTHES. And he can't buy them, so I will.), and getting myself some stuff. And then I'm going to start saving my money. I'm sick of always having to take money out and never put any back in. So here's me starting to save again. Wish me luck D:

And yeah, if Bianca's having a sleepover/going-away thing on Monday, then I'm going to be dead BOTH days. Robbie's staying the night tomorrow, so I'm not gonna get any sleep. Lucky, right ;]

I got my mum her Christmas present the other day. It was a set of a face towel, a hand towel, and a body towel, for about 60 bucks. Yeah, I know, I'm a nut. BLAME MY BOYFRIEND :P But yeah, I got those and I think they're quite nice. Along with the book, it should fit pretty well. I'm sure she'll like it, anyway. Now I just have to buy my cousin earrings and my dad a bodybuilding book, and I HAVE NOTHING ELSE TO WORRY ABOUT UNTIL THE END OF JANUARY. My god, it's such a relief just to have everything come to an end. It's been going on for so long, all this spending, that I barely know what it's like to have any money left in my bank account.

Yesterday, Robbie and I went to Sylvia Park to do some shopping. He tried on some clothes at Hallensteins and now I'm set on getting him one of the summer polos :D However in the morning while I was waiting for him, he went to the wrong store which was all the way up Queen Street and he had to walk back down. That resulted in him being pissed off with himself, or the sort, and so when he saw me he barely touched me. And me, thinking it was from me jokingly saying 'I BLAME YOU FOR MY DECREASED SHOPPING TIME', went to the bathroom and just took a minute. When I got back out, he's like just sitting on the chair and he didn't really acknowledge me coming back (Too lost in thought or anger, I suppose) and I started to get real upset so I took out my iPod. And yes. I cried a little. I'm just one of those cry at everything types. Sue me :P And so my boy realised he'd upset me and it was all okay :] But for a while I couldn't get over the fact that he wouldn't even hold my hand or hug me or anything.

My mum took me shopping today and bought me a set of lingerie for Christmas. It's gorgeous, and (well-named) called Sex Kitten. The girl at the counter was like 'OOOH, RAUNCHY FOR YOU' to my mum and I just cringed and was like, WOMAN WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU SAYING, HER DAUGHTER IS HERE THAT'S DISGUSTING PLEASE DO YOU HAVE ANY COMMON SENSE. But I resisted. And now I have neon pink lingerie :D

Work today was pretty average. I was strangely in a really good mood and I didn't even get that tired. I think I just finally got enough sleep and I'm feeling better :] I should do this 'sleep' thing more often, hahaha. Tomorrow I think I'm going to the gym in the morning. But not before I watch an episode or two of Heroes. It's really got me hooked, although I can't really sleep after it. Last night, I saw my cousin watching it when I got home at about 10, and I was like 'nah.' I have a rule about not watching scary things when it's dark. Then I actually get scared. Apparently some guy rung my house yesterday as well though, and I have no clue who it was. My cousin told me he rung me and when she said I wasn't home, he just said 'don't worry.' Weird thing is, I swear I don't know any guys who have my home number. So whatever's going on there, I don't know.

This is a long entry, but I suppose it's backed by the reason that I'll be super busy next week. I hope I can still manage to make it to the gym, otherwise I'm gonna feel like a lazy bastard again, haha. I'll make sure to make it to Pilates after my workout on Tuesday morning, definitely :D Okay, yeah I'm not staying the night at Bianca's.

Now I'm going to read Women's Health and Fitness and go watch some Heroes :D

....I just typed 'watch some MCR.'

Oh well. Either way :P
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