(no subject)

May 13, 2005 23:22

Well, well, well.

Life sucks, point blank. The only good thing to happen this week is that we're closer to Prom and graduation.

I have so many exciting things to say about newspaper that I really don't feel comfortable writing until after I get my diploma. I'll let your imagination wander, but here's what I can say about my week:
* Mrs. Baker and I fubbered on page counting, and ended up with 34 pages in the newspaper. If you've ever done a publication you probably know the rule of four: if the total pages of your publication do not divide evenly by four, you need to slap yourself. Well, someone who laid out a survey for the Senior Ed took two pages to lay out one survey, which is okay - if you tell the editor. So, there's 1 extra page of the problem. The person who had the following page noticed that their page had been taken over so they INSERTED PAGES INTO THE 2 PAGE LAYOUT - BAD BAD BAD. This completely threw off our numbering and that's why we didn't figure this out until 1 school day before printing. I'm not going to say who I think caused it (she isn't 18, by the way), but man that aggravates me. Mrs. Baker had been telling us for the last two weeks that this was a fruitless effort on our parts to get out a Senior Edition - and that she had no faith in us. What a great adviser. So, we finally have the publication done for the most part other than little typos - and this gets tossed into our face. I decided to add 2 pages (instead of subtract 2) which will just be pictures from Prom and After prom... which leads us to my next star.

*Prom is this weekend, actually it's in 9 hoursish. I think I'm gonna have a ball hanging out with Ashley and Kathleen. I also made Prom Court (!?!?!?), but I'm almost 100% sure I didn't make King, mainly because they recounted and that's when I was put on court - so apparently my votes aren't numerous :). But hey! I'm on prom court :P, and with Amy Conklin too, who rocks my socks.
We're going to some sit-down place called J. Alexanders. My mom keeps telling me that I need to pay my credit card bill because the total for two people at J. Alexanders is going to "be no less than $150!!!". Snicker. I somehow became the designated drive, even though Lorn, Kathleen's date, is frekin 21, but oh well, I have a cooler car (Toyota Avalon). After J. Alexanders, we're off to Wright State U's Student Union for prom, then off to my house to change, and finally to McLin gym at the Nutter Center for After Prom. Last year I won a TV. This year I'm hoping for the iPod. If not, my mom already told me she's getting me the 6gig mini (silver) for graduation. Sweeeeeet. After Afterprom, we're again off to my house for breakfast (sausage and biscuits - my favorite meal over all). That should be around 6:30am on Sunday. At 8:20am I leave for piano at church till noon. I already have the Mountain Dew chilling, and the Penguin Mints (caffeine pills) in my car.

Kayt told me that Build-A-Bear is hiring. Sure, why not. Stereotypically homosexual, but I've never been afraid of a challenge. Plus, the kicker is the 10% discount to Aero :o *drool*.

I've finally made substantial progress on the online medication sorter for my Dad. I'm building it with user accounts, so after I'm done, we can either share with friends, or allow people to join (for money, of course). If anyone here likes to try to break things beta test things, drop me a comment.

Monday is Senior Skip Day, but I think because of the fuckups with the newspaper, I'm gonna have to go in for at least newspaper. No way in hell am I staying for Psych though. Man, I really love the people in that class, but hate the course.

If you're Asian, have an awesome weekend. Otherwise, have a weekend.
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