vlad-merb released

Sep 06, 2009 04:47

I’ve now taken over another bit of code that disappeared from Vlad 2.0.0, namely the Merb support. I expect this plugin will no longer be needed once Rails 3 appears, but until then, all of you deploying Merb apps with Vlad (without Passenger) can have the vlad:start_app and vlad:stop_app tasks back.


Merb support for Vlad. Prior to 2.0.0, Vlad included support to make vlad:start and vlad:stop work with Merb; this plugin adds Merb support back in, and makes it a bit more robust.

2.0.0 / 2009-09-05

  • 3 major enhancements

    • Birthday!

    • Bring Merb support up to speed with recent versions of Merb.

    • Add deploy variables to run Merb as another user, and to be able to use sudo.

Originally published at Kevin's random thoughts. You can comment here or there.

vlad-merb, merb, tech, vlad

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