Majestic Freiks and Richard McGowan

Nov 11, 2012 09:24

Hey All. As some of you know I've been working on an illustration project with Richard McGowan of Smashed Rat on Press and Vanilla-vanilla on DA. While Rick more often than not claims not to be an artist, I tend to disagree :) . But onward we've been working on a project that has been going on for quite a while--lol mostly to my own tendencies towards procrastination. Well, over the past month or so we've been wrapping up said project.

Majestic Freiks, Cover
by *krazysidhe on deviantART
Gasp, yes you can actually find and purchase copies of Majestic Freiks short stories by Richard McGowan and illustrations by me.

Now here's the fun thing, if you want to get a copy of this book but don't want to pay for the nice large format paper edition you can get Majestic Freiks as an epub as well. While somewhat smaller you can still have the reading and the viewing pleasure directly on your device (whatever it may be). :)

Majestic Freiks, The Chinese Type Cutter 2
by *krazysidhe on deviantART
Also you should look at the rest of the stuff on Smashed Rat on Press as well as there is a lot of fun stuff over there. Or you can at least take a look at Vanilla-vanilla and remember ignore the 'artistic' disclaimer. :)

Now off to other things that involve the month of November such as much unloved Nanowrimo project, dyeing scarves (there is no better way to get your neighbors peeking out there windows or maybe it was the kick ass hat not my bright blue hands!), beginning plans for a collaborative dance project (I can't wait to see how this turns out) and whatever else it is I'm supposed to be doing this month. Now if it would only stay in the 70's for the rest of the week! Thanks all, have a good rest of your weekend!

november, collaboration, art, writing, illustration

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